Once Upon a Love: A Chance Encounter in Copenhagen, CKC, 2022. A memoir.
Can be purchased here.
Giftedness for early childhood educators, CKC, 2019
Giftedness for early childhood educators can now be purchased via this ORDER FORM . This 64-page book has been written specifically for Australian early childhood educators. Sections include how to identify gifted children in an early childhood setting, how to program for these children, and how to advise their parents.
Childcare Activities for 0-8’s, Pearson Publishers, 2001
Childcare Activities for 0-8’s provides dozens of activities to encourage children’s innate curiosity about life and to provide a stimulating learning environment. Designed to be easy-to-use and with practical focus, the activities emphasise open-ended experiences and create solid educational opportunities.
Games Children Play: The effects of media violence on young children, a RIP booklet published by AECA, 2000
Of great concern to carers and parents everywhere are the new games children are playing which are inspired by violent media programs. Aside from the generally unhealthy direction this heralds, children who observe TV, video, and computer game violence can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. This book presents some disturbing facts, but makes useful suggestions about how to deal with the effects of media violence.
Fun Ideas For Kids”, 1992, Murdoch Books
Fun Ideas for Kids is about learning through play and creating learning environments. Normal everyday activities -dressing, helping in the kitchen, story-time, playing in the garden, building with blocks, eating, bathtime – these can all be fun learning experiences. Fun Ideas for Kids shows you how to provide age appropriate activities and give your child a stimulating head start!
Two Early Childhood Activity Books
Creative Work for Preschool Children
Learning Activities Book”, 1985, Shakespeare Head Press