- Early Childhood Educator Attitudes to Giftedness and Early Entry. World Council for Gifted and Talented Conference, July 2017, University of New South Wales.
- Teacher Attitudes and Parent Experiences with Giftedness and Early Entry. Paper presented at the October 2017 APACS Conference, Melbourne.
- IQ Tests Are Integral to The Assessment for Giftedness. Paper presented at the 2016 AAEGT Conference, University of NSW, September 2016
- Gagné’s DMGT and Underachievers: The Need for an Alternative Inclusive Gifted Model. Paper presented at the 2015 Gifted Futures Forum for Talent Enhancement, University of NSW, September 2015
- Gifted and Misunderstood. Paper presented at World Conference Of Gifted and Talented Children, Odense, Denmark, August 2015.
- The Need for an Alternative Gifted Model. Paper presented at the 2015 Gifted Futures Forum for Talent Enhancement. October, 2015, UNSW.
- The Personality of Young Gifted Children. Paper presented at the GATE conference, Unleash the Gifted Potential, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
- Young Gifted Children: Screening, Assessing and Programming. Paper presented at the 13th national conference, Excellence and Equity for All, Adelaide, Australia, 2012.
- Parenting gifted 0-7 year olds, Crows Nest, 2011
- Attachment and Adjustment in Gifted Children’ ANZAP Keynote, Sydney, September 2010.
- Relationship as a Condition for Higher Functioning, IARR Conference, Israel, July 2010
- The Relationship Between Cognitive Development and Attachment Style: Implications for Intervention with Gifted Children, ICAP Conference, Melbourne, July 2010
- The Adjustment of Gifted Children: Are Problems due to Asynchrony or Insecure Attachment? Paper presented at the World Gifted Conference, Vancouver, 2009.
- Identifying Giftedness in Young Children: What you can do. Workshop for preschool, Sydney 2009
- Parenting Gifted 0-7 Year Olds workshops in Naremburn and Liverpool, 2009
- Optimising Young Gifted Children’s Strengths and Talents presented in Auckland, N.Z., March 2008
- Gifted Children with Learning and Other Difficulties presented in Auckland, N.Z. March 2008.
- Managing Challenging Behaviour Workshop presented in Singleton in August 2006.
- Managing Challenging Behaviour Workshops presented in Canberra, July and Moss Vale September 2005 as part of provisional psychology registration.
- Presented paper on equity for young gifted and talented children at a Local Government conference in Ryde, 2002.
- Presented a paper at Young Media Australia Conference in Sydney in July on harmful effects of TV violence on young children.
- Presented workshop at annual CCSA Conference in Sydney in June, 1999 on the effects of TV violence on children’s play.
- Presented paper at UNE Conference on Early Childhood, Armidale, May 1998 on identification and programming for young gifted and talented children.
- Presented paper at ARECE Conference, Canberra, January 1998 on research on teacher attitudes to young gifted and talented children. Research was part of Master in Early Childhood degree (Macquarie).
- Workshop presenter at Coffs Harbour for The Early Childhood Training And Development Association on “Staff Appraisals” and “Environmental Education”.
- Presented paper at the NSW Gifted And Talented Association Early Childhood Conference 27th August 1994 on introducing guided playgroup to enhance parent knowledge and children’s development.
- Presented two papers at the National Gifted and Talented Association Conference, Perth, 1994, one on critical periods in early development, and the other on introducing gifted education in early childhood setting.
- Presented paper on Environmental Education in Early Childhood at the Creche and Kindergarten Association’s 1993 Conference in Brisbane.
- Presented paper on Conflict Resolution for Commonwealth Special Education Seminar at Port Macquarie, 1992.