Consultant to Child Care Centres, Preschools and Schools.
As you may be aware, it is estimated that up to 10% of children are potentially gifted and talented. However, funding is very scant for this minority group, and these children are therefore often under-serviced. Additionally, few teachers have had in-service on gifted education, and they are generally over-stretched, coping with ever-new additional requirements, while trying to enable children with additional needs. Finally, although older gifted children have a number of options available to them, research indicates that young gifted children are rarely identified or adequately catered for.
This is where our consultancy can help. Our staff is highly qualified in the field of gifted education and we offer the following:
For Staff
- Consultation on gifted children
- Individual Education Programs for children
- Parent information nights on gifted children
- In-service training for staff
For Parents
- Identification of gifted children through psychological testing
- Consultation and counselling
- Behaviour management advice
- Group work for children (minimum number is 8 per group)