I have been doing some research on IQ tests for a paper I presented at the AAEGT National Gifted Conference in September this year. I argued for the re-introduction of group IQ screening-type assessments in all schools at school entry. This prospect may concern some, as IQ testing is associated with a lot of old ‘baggage’, much of which has since been adequately addressed. A preliminary IQ screening is no different in principle from the free vision screening encouraged for all NSW 4-year olds through the State-wide Eyesight Preschool Screening (StEPS) Program. Results would alert teachers about the gifted potential in children, and enable them to refer those children for psychologist administered individual IQ tests that are more reliable in a setting more sensitive to individual children. An added benefit is that IQ screening could also alert school counsellors and private psychologists about any potential specific learning disorders. The outcome could be early identification and appropriate educational provision for all children from the start of their schooling. Additionally, the initial group screening could provide a benchmark for comparison in the case of later underachievement or for re-testing of children who suffer a brain injury.